
Maritime and Shipping

Transforming Maritime and Shipping Operations with Gazer3D

Utilise advanced digital twin technology to enhance vessel performance, safety, and operational efficiency.


The maritime and shipping industry faces unique challenges, including maintaining vessel performance, ensuring safety, and optimising operations across vast and variable conditions. Gazer3D offers an innovative solution that leverages digital twin technology to address these challenges head-on.

Key Benefits:

  1. Enhance vessel performance and fuel efficiency.
  2. Improve safety and compliance through real-time monitoring.
  3. Optimise maintenance schedules and reduce operational downtime.
  4. Streamline operations with data-driven decision-making.


Industry Challenges

The maritime and shipping industry operates under demanding conditions, with challenges such as unpredictable weather, stringent safety regulations, and the need for constant vessel maintenance. Ensuring the optimal performance of ships while minimising costs and downtime is crucial.

Gazer3D Solutions

Gazer3D integrates real-time data from IoT sensors, GPS, and other sources to create a comprehensive digital twin of each vessel. This enables operators to monitor performance, predict maintenance needs, and optimise routes and fuel consumption. The result is a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective maritime operation.

Features and Capabilities

Why Choose Us

Let us change the way you think about technology.

Real-time Data Utilisation

Collects and analyses data from sensors, GPS, and onboard systems to provide a real-time view of vessel performance and conditions.

Predictive Maintenance

Uses AI and machine learning to predict when maintenance is needed, helping to prevent unexpected breakdowns and reduce downtime.

3D Model Integration

Creates a detailed 3D model of each vessel, allowing for visual inspections and simulations to optimise performance and safety.

Advanced Analytics

Provides deep insights into operational data, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning.

Fleet Management

Monitors and manages entire fleets, providing a centralised platform for operational oversight and coordination.

Safety Compliance

Ensures vessels meet all regulatory requirements through continuous monitoring and reporting.

How it works

Gazer3D seamlessly integrates with existing maritime systems, including fleet management software, maintenance management systems, and GPS tracking tools.

Data Collection

Gazer3D collects real-time data from IoT sensors, GPS, and onboard systems.

Digital Twin Creation

A detailed digital twin of each vessel is created, incorporating all collected data.

Monitoring and Analysis

The digital twin is used to monitor vessel performance, predict maintenance needs, and optimise operations.

Optimization and Decision-Making

Advanced analytics provide insights that enable data-driven decision-making to enhance performance and safety.

Delivering IT solutions that enable you to work smarter.

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Frequently Ask Questions.

Gazer3D is designed to seamlessly integrate with your current fleet management, maintenance management, and GPS tracking systems, ensuring a smooth implementation process.

Gazer3D utilises data from IoT sensors, GPS, onboard systems, and other sources to create a comprehensive digital twin of each vessel.

By providing real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, Gazer3D helps prevent unexpected breakdowns and optimise fuel consumption, leading to significant cost savings.

Yes, Gazer3D continuously monitors vessels to ensure they meet